Identifying Galaxies
Clustering Stars into Galaxies¶
To progress with analysis of the universe, the task is now to identify galaxies and separate the stars which belong to those galaxies. To start off, let's identify all of the stars that are not part of our local galaxy.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
datapath = 'Sim Data (Clusters; 800, Seed; 2639)' # all of the data is within a folder in this .ipynb file's directory
stardata = pd.read_csv(datapath + '/All Star Data.txt', delimiter=' ') # read the data from the .txt file into a dataframe
equats = stardata['Equatorial'] # get the equatorial positions of all of the stars
polars = stardata['Polar'] # get the polar positions of all of the stars
parallax = stardata['Parallax'] # get the parallax of the stars
# now we need the indexes of stars with small/no parallax angles - distant stars!
indexes = [i for i, x in enumerate(parallax) if x <= 0.007] # this is a distance of about ~150pc
# now to populate new lists with all of the equatorial/polar angles of stars that litte/no some parallax
equats = [equats[i] for i in indexes]
polars = [polars[i] for i in indexes]
# now lets plot these distant stars!
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 15)) # make a figure to plot stuff on
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) # and add an axis so we can plot stuff on the figure
ax.scatter(equats, polars, s=0.02, c='w') # plot small-ish dots, all white in colour
ax.set_xlim([0, 360]) # we go 0->360 degrees equatorially
ax.set_ylim([0, 180]) # we go 0->180 degrees along the poles
ax.invert_yaxis() # the data is set up so that polar angle of 0 is at the top, so we need to flip the axis
ax.set_facecolor('k') # space has a black background, duh
ax.set_aspect(1) # makes it so that the figure is twice as wide as it is tall - no stretching! # now, finally show the figure
We can see lots and lots of distant galaxies! If we're to do anything with them, though, we'll need to identify and separate galaxies, obtaining all of the stars from each particular galaxy in the process. When I encountered this problem for the first time, my choice was to manually draw ellipses around each cluster that I deemed to be a galaxy and, using the equation of an ellipse, determine all of the stars which satisfied being inside an ellipse. I then saved the star data to a separate file for each galaxy. This proved tedious as I'm sure you can imagine! When I first did this problem, I had to look at about ~50 or so galaxies -- in this picture above there are over 500! Surely there is a better way?
There is! Enter clustering: algorithms to detect clusters of points - this is perfect for our use in identifying galaxies in terms of clusters of resolved stars. There are a multitude of clustering algorithms, each built around an ideal use-case. What's the ideal method for our purposes here? We have to find an algorithm that can suitably meet the criteria:
- Operate very quickly; there are over 500 galaxies each with around 1000 stars each, which is over five hundred thousand data points!
- Successfully cluster points that are in elliptical/circular distributions, and irregularly sized. This immediately removes K-means clustering (often cited as the fastest algorithm) from the pool of potential algorithms, since it doesn't do too well with irregularly sized ellipses.
- Ideally already implemented within a python package (to make my job easier)
As a start, the DBScan method seems to be a suitable algorithm. The 'DB' in the name stands for density-based which is a good start - galaxies are quite literally an overdensity of stars so a method which looks for overdensities of points could be promising. Let's implement this to start.
from sklearn import cluster
import numpy as np
# first, lets define the points for clustering in a suitable format. the clustering algorithm needs 'n' points,
# where each point has a coordinate [x, y]. So our final array should look like: array = [[x1,y1], [x2,y2], ...]
coords = np.ndarray((len(equats), 2)) # set up an empty array of the correct length and dimension (Nx2)
for i, equat in enumerate(equats):
coords[i] = [equat, polars[i]] # populate each element of the array with [x, y]
# now let's cluster the data. I won't get into too much detail, but if you want to know why I chose these
# parameters, I'd suggest looking up the documentation and cross-referencing these values against the param descriptions
clustering = cluster.DBSCAN(eps=0.3, min_samples=40, n_jobs=-1).fit(coords)
# now let's define some colours to display the different clusters in.
colours = ['#ffe396', '#ffa1a1', '#a2ffa1', '#91f2ef', '#f196ff',
'#ffa96b', '#94ffbf', '#9c9fff', '#ff6390', '#b570ff']
# the labels in this context correspond to which cluster it is. For n clusters, there will be n distinct labels which
# are all integers: 0, 1, 2, ..., n. Each point in 'coords' will have a label (and hence a cluster) assigned to it
labels = clustering.labels_
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(18, 9)) # now let's plot the clustering to see how we've done
for clust in range(0, max(labels) + 1):
# want to go to max(labels) + 1, since labels starts at 0 & goes up to n, and range() starts at 0 & goes to n-1
colour = colours[clust%len(colours)] # cycle through the colours
Xk = coords[labels == clust] # get the
ax.scatter(Xk[:, 0], Xk[:, 1], alpha=0.8, c=colour, s=0.02, linewidths=0)
# the next scatter call plots white points for the stars that werent assigned to galaxies
ax.scatter(coords[labels == -1, 0], coords[labels == -1, 1], c="w", alpha=0.3, s=0.02, linewidths=0)
ax.set_ylim(0, 180); ax.invert_yaxis()
ax.set_xlim(0, 360)
fig.savefig('dbscan.png', dpi=1500) # i want to save this so that I can zoom in!
In the above picture, different colours represent different clusters. I know it's a bit small but I hope you can see that it looks chaotic and almost like sprinkles in some places -- this is good! That means that it's identifying different galaxies that are pretty close together. But alas, in some places it doesn't hold up:
[Position ~= (10, 100)] We can see that it's thought that a region that is actually four galaxies (on the top right) is only one! Similarly, at the bottom, it's thought that two galaxies are actually one. Fortunately, there is a slightly better method for this application: HDBscan! (the H is for hierarchical) The details don't really matter, but the tl;dr is that it can automatically change the density of clustered points that it identifies. Let's implement this algorithm and see if it's any better.
import hdbscan
# much of this code block is identical to the one before, so I'm going to be slack with the commenting
clustering = hdbscan.HDBSCAN(min_samples=50, min_cluster_size=500).fit(coords) # want the smallest galaxy to have 500 stars
labels = clustering.labels_
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(18, 9))
for clust in range(0, max(labels) + 1):
colour = colours[clust%len(colours)]
Xk = coords[labels == clust]
ax.scatter(Xk[:, 0], Xk[:, 1], alpha=0.8, c=colour, s=0.02, linewidths=0)
ax.scatter(coords[labels == -1, 0], coords[labels == -1, 1], s=0.02, c='w', linewidths=0)
ax.set_ylim(0, 180); ax.invert_yaxis(); ax.set_xlim(0, 360); ax.set_facecolor('k')
fig.savefig('hdbscan.png', dpi=1500)
Now, let's look at the same region as earlier to see how HDBScan clusters differently:
Clearly it's not perfect; there are more stars that aren't assigned to a galaxy than before (noise). With that said, it is now less likely for a star to be falsely assigned to a galaxy, which I believe is a much bigger positive than the 'fewer stars' negative. We can still do science with a galaxy when we don't have the entire population of stars, but it becomes incredibly hard to do it with completely false stars.
Now, my preferred method of continuing is by separating the population of each galaxy into their own respective files. I'm sure that there are other (perhaps more efficient) methods of doing science with the results of the clustering, but this method is conceptually very easy to rationalise. To do this, I'll get all of the stardata
rows corresponding to stars in each respective galaxy, and then write that data to a new file.
import os
directory = os.path.abspath("") + f"\\{datapath}"
newdir = directory + "\\Star Clusters"
if not os.path.exists(newdir):
for clust in range(0, max(labels) + 1):
indices = np.where(labels == clust) # gets the indices of this galaxy's stars with respect to the stardata struct
data = stardata.iloc[indices] # find the stars corresponding to the found indices
Xk = coords[labels == clust] # get the positions of all of the stars in the galaxy
xcenter = np.mean(Xk[:, 0]); ycenter = np.mean(Xk[:, 1]) # rough center points of each galaxy
# now, I want to name the clusters like "X{equat}-Y{polar}-N{population}":
clustername = 'X'+"%05.1f"%xcenter +'-Y'+"%05.1f"%ycenter+'-N'+str(len(Xk)) # generates cluster name
# finally, write the data to a file defined by clustername
data.to_csv(datapath + f'/Star Clusters/{clustername}.txt', index=None, sep=' ')
Identifying Galaxy Clusters¶
Now, it might be a good idea to identify the galaxy clusters for galaxies with resolved stars. First, I am going to get the positions and velocities of the centers of each galaxy so that I can treat them as a single object in space. I'm collecting the velocities as well, as we can assume that the galaxies are moving (mostly) as a function of distance and so we will effectively have another dimension with which we can constrain the clusters.
positions = np.ndarray((max(labels), 3))
names = np.ndarray((max(labels)), dtype=object)
for clust in range(0, max(labels)):
indices = np.where(labels == clust) # gets the indices of this galaxy's stars with respect to the stardata struct
data = stardata.iloc[indices] # find the stars corresponding to the found indices
Xk = coords[labels == clust] # get the positions of all of the stars in the galaxy
xcenter = np.mean(Xk[:, 0]); ycenter = np.mean(Xk[:, 1]) # rough center points of each galaxy
meanvel = np.mean(data['RadialVelocity']) # get the mean velocity of the stars within the galaxy
positions[clust] = [xcenter, ycenter, meanvel]
# now, I want to name the clusters like "X{equat}-Y{polar}-N{population}":
clustername = 'X'+"%05.1f"%xcenter +'-Y'+"%05.1f"%ycenter+'-N'+str(len(Xk)) # generates cluster name
names[clust] = clustername
Now, let's plot it to see how it looks.
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(18, 9))
ax.scatter(positions[:, 0], positions[:, 1], c='w')
ax.set_ylim(0, 180); ax.set_xlim(0, 360)
Since there is a mix of sparesely and densly packed clusters, it would help our clustering algorithm to now add the extra dimension of velocity.
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(18, 9))
ax = fig.add_subplot(projection='3d')
ax.scatter(positions[:, 0], positions[:, 2], positions[:, 1])
ax.set_xlim(0, 360); ax.set_zlim(0, 180); ax.invert_zaxis()
ax.set_xlabel("Equat"); ax.set_zlabel("Polar"); ax.set_ylabel("Velocity (km/s)");
This extra dimension really seems to help separate galaxies, especially those that were previously overlapping. Now to actually start clustering the galaxies!
# much of this code block is identical to the one before, so I'm going to be slack with the commenting
closeclusters = hdbscan.HDBSCAN().fit(positions) # it seems to cluster optimally with no set parameters
labels = closeclusters.labels_
Now of course, time to plot the results to see if the clustering was successful.
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(18, 9))
for clust in range(0, max(labels) + 1):
colour = colours[clust%len(colours)]
Xk = positions[labels == clust]
ax.scatter(Xk[:, 0], Xk[:, 1], alpha=0.8, c=colour, s=4, linewidths=0)
ax.scatter(positions[labels == -1, 0], positions[labels == -1, 1], s=4, c='w', linewidths=0)
ax.set_ylim(0, 180); ax.invert_yaxis(); ax.set_xlim(0, 360); ax.set_facecolor('k')
fig.savefig('hdbscanClose.png', dpi=1500)
This seems pretty good for the most part. I can see a few points where it seems to fail, but the majority of clusters are well identified. Since there are a decent number of well constrained clusters, we can just ignore the badly fit ones later on (with the justification of noisy data) and still arrive at a good result. Now, I'm going to save the galaxy names to a file for each cluster.
newdir = directory + "\\Close Galaxy Clusters"
if not os.path.exists(newdir):
for clust in range(0, max(labels) + 1):
Xk = positions[labels == clust] # get the positions of all of the galaxies in the cluster
xcenter = np.mean(Xk[:, 0]); ycenter = np.mean(Xk[:, 1]) # rough center points of each galaxy
# now, I want to name the clusters like "GC-X{equat}-Y{polar}-N{population}":
clustername = 'GC-X'+"%05.1f"%xcenter +'-Y'+"%05.1f"%ycenter+'-N'+str(len(Xk)) # generates cluster name
galaxnames = names[labels == clust] # get the names of the galaxies within this cluster
# finally, write the data to a file defined by clustername
with open(datapath + f'/Close Galaxy Clusters/{clustername}.txt', 'w') as file: # open/create this file...
for name in galaxnames: # for each galaxy in the cluster...
file.write(str(name)+'\n') # ...write the galaxy name, and then end the line
And we're done for now!
Finding Distant Galaxy Clusters¶
Now, I'm going to do a very similar process but with the very distant galaxies that don't have resolved stars. As before, I'll plot their distribution in the sky:
distantdata = pd.read_csv(datapath + '/Distant Galaxy Data.txt', delimiter=' ')
distantequats = distantdata['Equatorial'] # get the equatorial positions of all of the distant galaxies
distantpolars = distantdata['Polar'] # get the polar positions of all of the distant galaxies
# now lets plot these distant stars!
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(18, 9))
ax.scatter(distantequats, distantpolars, s=0.02, c='w')
ax.set_xlim([0, 360]); ax.set_ylim([0, 180]); ax.invert_yaxis()
ax.set_facecolor('k') # now, finally show the figure
There's a lot going on there! We can see hundreds of distant galaxy clusters. Now we should check if HDBScan can accurately identify the clusters. I'm only going to consider clusters of 5 or more galaxy members, because if we're trying to infer the physics of galaxy clusters, we want a large enough sample of galaxies within that cluster (otherwise our error bars would be massive!). With these, it's going to be a bit tricky as there are so many clusters overlapping each other. Thankfully as before, we can add an extra dimension to our clustering algorithm. Since (we can assume that) all of the galaxies are moving away or towards us as a function of distance, we can essentially add a third dimension with a velocity component. The result?
distantvels = distantdata['RadialVelocity'] # import the velocity data
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(18,9))
ax = fig.add_subplot(projection='3d')
ax.scatter(distantequats, distantvels, distantpolars, s=0.5)
ax.set_xlim(0, 360); ax.set_zlim(0, 180); ax.invert_zaxis()
ax.set_xlabel("Equat"); ax.set_zlabel("Polar"); ax.set_ylabel("Velocity (km/s)");
Nicely separated galaxy clusters. Now to call the clustering algorithm...
distantcoords = np.ndarray((len(distantequats), 3)) # set up an empty array of the correct length and dimension (Nx3)
for i, equat in enumerate(distantequats):
distantcoords[i] = [equat, distantpolars[i], distantvels[i]] # populate each element of the array with [x, y, v]
# much of this code block is identical to the one before, so I'm going to be slack with the commenting
distantclusters = hdbscan.HDBSCAN().fit(distantcoords)
labels = distantclusters.labels_
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(18, 9))
for clust in range(0, max(labels) + 1):
colour = colours[clust%len(colours)]
Xk = distantcoords[labels == clust]
ax.scatter(Xk[:, 0], Xk[:, 1], alpha=0.8, c=colour, s=0.5, linewidths=0)
ax.scatter(distantcoords[labels == -1, 0], distantcoords[labels == -1, 1], s=0.5, c='w', linewidths=0)
ax.set_ylim(0, 180); ax.invert_yaxis()
ax.set_xlim(0, 360)
fig.savefig('hdbscanDistant.png', dpi=1500)
Some excellent results here. Now, I am going to save each cluster to a file (with all of the data of the component distant galaxies), similar to how I did in the section where I saved the star data of galaxies:
newdir = directory + "\\Distant Galaxy Clusters"
if not os.path.exists(newdir):
clusterCoords = np.ndarray((max(labels) + 1, 2))
for clust in range(0, max(labels) + 1):
indices = np.where(labels == clust) # gets the indices of this cluster's galaxies with respect to distantdata
data = distantdata.iloc[indices] # find the galaxies corresponding to the found indices
Xk = distantcoords[labels == clust] # get the positions of all of the stars in the cluster
xcenter = np.mean(Xk[:, 0]); ycenter = np.mean(Xk[:, 1]) # rough center points of each cluster
clusterCoords[clust] = (xcenter, ycenter)
# now, I want to name the clusters like "DC-X{equat}-Y{polar}-N{population}":
clustername = 'DC-X'+"%05.1f"%xcenter +'-Y'+"%05.1f"%ycenter+'-N'+str(len(Xk)) # generates cluster name
# finally, write the data to a file defined by clustername
data.to_csv(datapath + f'/Distant Galaxy Clusters/{clustername}.txt', index=None, sep=' ')
And we're done! With this, we can now move onto studying the physics within each galaxy and each galaxy cluster.
Isotropy in the Universe?¶
With these clusters identified, we can try to determine if this universe is isotropic. That is, if the universe looks 'about the same' no matter which direction we look in. Since we have a 2D projection of the 3D, spherical sky, we'll need an algorithm that can split the sky up into cells that account for the warping associated with the projection. Thankfully, this is a (more-or-less) solved problem, and an algorithm exists in this paper.
Below is a (complicated) implementation of this algorithm. The tl;dr is that we divide the entire 2D sky evenly into rows, and then split those rows up into different sized cells to counteract the warping at a certain latitude. Then, we count all of the galaxy clusters within each cell, assuming that each galaxy cluster is more or less the same population on average.
rings = 10 # number of rings to divide image into. Must be an even number
height = 180 / rings # height of each ring (in degrees)
ringArea = 4 * np.pi / rings # each ring should have same area
upper = np.pi / 2 # starts with the upper bound of the graph at pi/2 radians (north pole)
rects = []; antirects = []; totCellCounts = [] #initialise lists to store data in, to then graph later
# First, iterate over the northern hemisphere's rings, with an "antipolar" calculation done for the southern hemisphere
for ring in range(1, int((rings / 2) + 1)):
centralLat = upper - ((height / 2) * np.pi / 180) # finds the central latitude (radians) of the current ring
# Now, choose how many horizontal subdivisions of the ring to apply, with more divisions closer to the equator
dLi = height * (1 / np.cos(centralLat))
# since all rings are equal in height, the lower bound of the ring is the upper bound, minus delta height of each ring
lower = upper - (height * np.pi / 180)
# now, convert the upper bound in radians to the desired coordinate system (degrees, with 0 deg at north pole)
PolarUpper = abs((180 / np.pi) * (upper - np.pi / 2))
PolarLower = PolarUpper + height # as above, but for the lower bound
AntiPolarU = 180 - PolarLower # finds upper bound of southern hemisphere cell
AntiPolarL = AntiPolarU + height # as above, but lower bound
cells = int(round(360 / dLi)) # finds an integer number of cells to subdivide the equatorial axis into
for i in range(0, cells): # now to check how many galaxy clusters are in each cell in this ring
cellLeft = i * 360 / cells # finds left bound of the current cell
cellRight = cellLeft + 360 / cells # finds right bound of the current cell
CellCount = 0; AntiCellCount = 0; # initializes variables for the number of clusters in each cell
for cluster in clusterCoords: # iterates over all galaxy clusters to check if it's in this cell
x, y = cluster
if (cellLeft <= x <= cellRight) and (PolarUpper <= y <= PolarLower): # check if cluster is in this cell
CellCount += 1 # add a tally to the northern hemisphere counter
elif (cellLeft <= x <= cellRight) and (AntiPolarU <= y <= AntiPolarL): # check if cluster is in the anti-cell
AntiCellCount += 1 # add a tally to the southern hemisphere counter
# now, add counts to a list (for colour normalization later on)
totCellCounts.append(CellCount); totCellCounts.append(AntiCellCount)
Rwidth = cellRight - cellLeft # width of rectangle cell
Rheight = PolarUpper - PolarLower # height of rectangle cell\
# finally, add the rectangle properties to a list to plot later
rects.append((cellLeft, PolarLower, Rwidth, Rheight, CellCount))
antirects.append((cellLeft, AntiPolarL, Rwidth, Rheight, AntiCellCount))# as above, for southern rectangles
upper = lower # changes upper bound for next ring into lower bound of current ring
With the cells tallied up, we can now visualise the data. I don't know if functionality exists within matplotlib to plot a 2D histogram with unevenly spaced cells, so I've hacked together my own solution. It works by 'patching' a rectangle onto the right position in an axes object, with colour defined by the cluster population within the cell bounds.
import matplotlib.patches as patches
import matplotlib.colors as colours
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(18, 9))
cmap ='summer') # i like the green colour!
# now normalize the colour map across the cell populations
ColourNorm = colours.Normalize(vmin = 0, vmax = max(totCellCounts))
for rect in rects: # for all cells in northern hemisphere
cellLeft, PolarLower, Rwidth, Rheight, CellCount = rect # gets rectangle properties from the list
rectangle = patches.Rectangle(xy=(cellLeft, PolarLower), width=Rwidth, height=Rheight, edgecolor='k',
facecolor=cmap(ColourNorm(CellCount)), fill=True)
ax.add_patch(rectangle) # plots the rectangle on the figure
for rect in antirects: # as above but for the southern hemisphere
cellLeft, PolarLower, Rwidth, ARheight, CellCount = rect
rectangle = patches.Rectangle(xy=(cellLeft, PolarLower), width=Rwidth, height=ARheight, edgecolor='k',
facecolor=cmap(ColourNorm(CellCount)), fill=True)
ax.set_xlabel("Equatorial Angle (deg)"); ax.set_ylabel("Polar Angle (deg)");
ax.set_xlim([0, 360]); ax.set_ylim([0, 180]);
ax.invert_yaxis() #flip the axis to match the coordinate system
# and finally to create a colourmap for the cells
sm =, norm=ColourNorm)
cbar = plt.colorbar(sm)
cbar.set_label('Cluster Population in Cell', rotation=90)
fig.savefig('Isotropy.png', dpi=1500)
This doesn't exactly look isotropic; we see some regions of local over and under densities as might expect from randomly distributed clusters, but there's a clear underdense horizontal band in the center (shown by darker cells). There is a way of better concluding if the universe is isotropic, however. If we create a simple 1D histogram of the cell counts, we would expect it to look symmetrical (approx. Gaussian) with a reasonably sharp peak if the universe is isotropic (due to the aforementioned under/overdensities). Let's try that.
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
plt.hist(totCellCounts, bins=np.arange(0, max(totCellCounts) + 2, 1) - 0.5, edgecolor='k')
ax.set_xlabel("Galaxy Clusters in Cell"); ax.set_ylabel("Number of Cells");
Looks not quite symmetrical to me! If you change the number of rows (and hence subdivisions of each row) in the cell algorithm, you will of course get different results in this histogram. Generally, you'll want enough cells so that you get a good sample size but few enough cells that there aren't a lot of empty samples. In this case, I ran with 10 rings, but you would get decent results with 8 or 12 rings also. We can see that there's a sharp peak with only slight symmetry, and a tail. This is probably in part due to that horizontal underdensity from before. What could be causing fewer observed distant galaxies along a wide, horizontal band?