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Images from the Wide Field Cameras

Click on the images for the data on that part of the sky!

Back Camera Image

'Right' joins the left of this image, and 'Left' the right.

Bottom Camera Image

'Left' joins the top of this image, 'Front' the right, 'Right' the bottom, and 'Back' the left.

Front Camera Image

'Left' joins the left of this image, and 'Right' the right.

Left Camera Image

'Back' joins the left of this image, and 'Front' the right.

Right Camera Image

'Front' joins the left of this image, and 'Back' the right.

Top Camera Image

'Right' joins the top of this image, 'Front' the right, 'Left' the bottom, and 'Back' the left.

Cubemap Image Alignment


Variable Star Data

Some stars in the sky were found to change in apparent brightness over time, usually following a periodic trend.

Example of a variable star lightcurve - star BackS61625 Units of the variable data are:

Measurement Unit
Time hours
Normalised Flux unitless

Uncertainties in this data (one standard deviation) are:

Measurement Uncertainty
Time 0.3 hours
Normalised Flux 1.5%

Download a compressed .zip file of all of the variable star lightcurve data.

X-Ray All-Sky Camera Data

The X-Ray camera did not detect any steady sources. It did detect, however, a number of extremely short X-Ray flashes coming from various parts of the sky. Each flash lasted 51 milliseconds, but we see that the number of photons from each flash is far from the same. Here is a list of the flashes detected, with their approx. positions and number of photons detected. Positions are given by where they would appear in the relevant wide-field camera image. Positions are only accurate to 0.05 degrees (one standard deviation). The X-Ray camera is sensitive to burts of more than 174 photons only. Download a .txt file of the below data

Name Direction X Y Photon-Count
FE02 Back 6.01 -2.13 442
FE03 Bottom -17.68 -1.97 544
FE04 Front -18.4 29.46 410
FE05 Front 18.07 -39.43 931
FE06 Left -36.01 40.19 2139
FE07 Right -20.71 12.51 2649
FE08 Front -19.47 -31.78 513
FE09 Bottom 8.99 -34.92 567
FE10 Front -0.8 13.89 1131
FE11 Bottom -40.56 40.62 398
FE12 Top 30.25 -42.57 61544
FE13 Front 8.59 43.55 514
FE14 Left -43.19 -18.51 368
FE15 Bottom -17.51 -1.9 541
FE16 Top 7.4 18.65 419
FE17 Back 38.19 13.76 822
FE18 Front -32.91 -7.26 466
FE19 Bottom -3.13 0.37 391
FE20 Left 12.61 10.72 470
FE21 Bottom -32.04 2.41 349
FE22 Bottom -5.12 -26.66 411
FE23 Bottom -3.11 0.26 431
FE24 Top 27.03 -29.42 13295198
FE25 Bottom -31.57 2.32 341
FE26 Bottom -33.8 19.88 278
FE27 Left 21.64 6.92 1769
FE28 Back -37.23 24.04 79882
FE29 Bottom -3.45 0.41 399
FE30 Back 22.25 14.24 1081
FE31 Left 6.23 16.72 6815100
FE32 Front -21.17 -6.07 318
FE33 Back 6.18 -2.19 454
FE34 Bottom -3.09 0.18 384
FE35 Left 24.21 35.26 6215626
FE36 Bottom -3.14 0.37 416
FE37 Back 0.75 15.85 353
FE38 Front 9.31 -5.27 416
FE39 Right -20.72 -35.95 419
FE40 Bottom 27.79 -30.41 336
FE41 Bottom -17.54 -1.96 488
FE42 Front 9.89 -33.21 902
FE43 Bottom -9.66 -21.7 1695
FE44 Left -14.86 -25.65 13097591
FE45 Front 10.24 37.55 253232
FE46 Front 9.37 -5.31 416
FE47 Front 43.23 26.05 458
FE48 Left -14.1 -26.64 13098825
FE49 Bottom -33.72 19.98 315
FE50 Back 6.19 -1.96 494
FE51 Back 6.07 -2.15 427
FE52 Front -44.82 8.09 2655
FE53 Front -18.41 29.46 389
FE54 Left 12.54 10.68 462
FE55 Front 9.3 -5.32 381