Simulated Universes
The third year astrophysics course at the University of Queensland has students use data from a simulated universe to build a distance ladder
and speed through the progression of 20th century astrophysics. After I took the course as a student, I built my own simulated universe program
from scratch in Python (a typical galaxy from the sim is the picture on the right!). We now use my program in the 3rd year course and it's great
seeing students interact with it each semester!
You can take a look at the code for the simulation on the project Github repository,
which also has some (pretty lacking for now, still WIP) documentation and tutorials on the
project pages site. We simulate a lot of real physics: stellar populations, Universe expansion/contraction, galaxies, galaxy clusters, and many more!
The parameters of each simulation (e.g. the Hubble constant, galaxy populations, stellar variability) can be randomised so that different groups of students
can investigate entirely different universes!